Astrology has fascinated people for thousands of years and is experiencing a certain renaissance again today. It gives insights into human nature, aiding self-discovery and personal growth. This powerful tool, as many have discovered, can reveal the depths of your personality, including skills, talents, motivations and challenges in any area of life from relationships to money to career, friendship, children, family and creativity.
Astrology is far more than your Sun sign (ie., Aries, Leo, etc.). Unlike your sun sign, which is shared by millions, your birth chart is as unique as you are. It is your personalized map of life.
Kamma, an accredited astrologer, interprets your birth chart, which reveals your individual potential in this lifetime and also where you are on that journey. You can learn about current and future developments and when to expect changes.
As a forecasting tool, astrology can help you prepare for periods of success as well as challenging times. It’s all in the timing, which is astrology’s strength.